A point for discussion as I’ve only had two T1XP. both were faulty and it seems to be a common problem related to unsoldering of the CPU or graphics chip. If this is the case, (and quite a few T2XP I’ve seen for sale were repaired under warranty, mainboard replaced), did Sony attempt a simple, (read cheap), fix of the very similar designed TX range by making the fan run faster, and or at an earlier temperature point?
It’s just a concept as I’ve never had a TX, but it’s the type of things big companies do, even car makers. For instance a car has say a cracking head issue when driven by a more “racy” driver, due to the cooling not be up to the job. Do they redesign the engine at the cost of millions, or simply fit a bigger cooling fan and set it to run almost all the time and cross their fingers?? its a much cheaper option and if it works cost is more than recovered in lack of warranty claims..