[quote author=“huskywolf”]If the cover is part of B-1 Bottom #211, I would be happy to buy it - but I need to know how to disassemble/replace it.
http://site.nexttronicsparts.com/pcg-tr3.htm#Main parts
But then, if I know how to take that panel out, I might be able to put the cover back, assuming I still have all the parts.
I’m pretty sure it’s part of #211, since I just replaced that part on my TR with a used part from another TR. I had originally intended to just move the cover over, but it’s really not designed to be separated from the side piece, so it was easier to move the whole part than just the cover.
To take part 211 off (either to replace it or try to repair it), you would need to follow the instructions up to step 10 in http://www.siliconpopculture.com/sonytr/viewtopic.php?t=5486
Then you need to remove other parts.
First, the CD-R drive. There are two black screws holding down the CD-R drive. One is visible near the fan; the other one is hiding below the cable that runs along the back edge of the CD-R drive. Gently lift the cable up (it is stuck down) and you will see the second screw. You can disconnect the CD-R drive by pulling straight up on the connector to the motherboard.
You will also need to unscrew the little module which has a barcode on it which was partly visible under the CD-R drive. You don’t need to disconnect it, just lift it out of the way so you can see where your part #211 is hooked onto a little post under that module.
You can then try to put the cover back on your old part, if it is still intact. The grey plastic should end in a thin “pin” on either end which fits into two corresponding tiny holes on either side of the PC card slot. And there should be a thin wire in the middle of the cover that works as a spring. You would need to bend the cover like a bow and try to get the pins into the holes, and put the spring back in place.
Then to reinstall your repaired or new part #211, just make sure you hook it onto the little post under the module, and slot it in properly on both ends.
Hope this helps!