i have a tr3ap with several issues, and i hope someone can help. when i booted up my computer a couple of days ago, a message showed up during post, something about a bus conflict and press f2 to continue (sorry, but i didn’t write it down). when windows booted, the wireless networking didn’t work. i checked the device manager and three components had problems:
1. network adapters - intel pro wireless 2200bg network connection (pci slot 3 (pic bus 2, device 11, function 0)).
2. ieee 1394 bus host controllers - ohci comliant ieee 1394 host controller (pci bus 2, device 5, function 1).
3. pcmcia adapters - richoh r/rl/rt/rc/5c465(ii), r5c520 or compatible cardbus controller (pci bus 2, device 5, function 0).
i tried uninstalling each device and reinstalling with no success. each time i get the same result (this device cannot start (code 10)). i reinstalled windows xp pro with the system recovery disks, updated xp, and even tried the newest drivers from intel, but nothing works.
any thoughts? are they all related to a single problem? a motherboard failure? the wired networking still works, and the computer attempts to reinstall the devices when i boot, so i don’t think it is a problem with the wireless mini pci card itself.
about 3 or 4 months ago, i had the motion eye camera repaired by sony service in san diego. the computer was functioning as good as new when i got it back from sony. i would rather not send the computer back to them if i don’t have to, but i think if might be stuck for another repair bill. please help!