I’ve been using my TR for work for about a year, after which the cable of the AC adapter started to break right where it connects to the base of the adapter. Horray! So I went to the local Vaio service (in Hungary, so it’s not a big one, maybe Sony cares more for their costumers on other parts of the world) and asked wheter they can fix it. It’s only a small soldering job, nothing special…and what the reply was? Guess! They can’t fix it, because the case of the adapter cannot be dissasembled without damaging it. Horray #2! But don’t panic, that they can sell me a brand new one for the price of ....well, imagine something very expensive here. Hurray #3! I said ‘No, thank you’ and went home very dissapointed. After a while the battery has fully discharged and so there I was without a charger.
I’ve started thinking, the result of which are these few photos. TR’s AC adapter dissassembled!
The adapter how it looks sadly without it’s cable:
There are 6 plastic clips holding the plastic cover in place, 3 on both of the longer side of the adapter (marked with red dots on the picture). The guy at the service has been talking about these, that they cannot be opened without braking them. But they can! You have to very carful though!
(Of course, this is just a note and I take no responsibility for any damage caused)
The inside of the adapter is fully covered with a copper cover and I couldn’t open it up, but fortunately the cable can be fixed without doing so.
There is a thicker cable running through the core of the cable with a white insulation and another wire running on top of this white insulation. There are two short wires soldered to the base of the adapter, you can easily solder the two end of the two wires in the cable to these.
And voila! There is the fixed adapter, which the guys at sony can’t fix.