Sony TR Clean Windows XP Setup (Version 0.1 Alpha
I’ll leave it to Groovy to put this in a seperate thread and maybe make it a sticky if he thinks it’s worth it. Feel free to modify it as you like.
First of all I know this works because I have done this myself and I have everything working wonderfully on my TR3SP. However for most people this might be a bit indepth. If you really want a laptop from Japan for instance then it really is worth your time getting the laptop from a place like Icube This is where I got my TR3SP from, the service was great and the laptop came configured perfectly with everything in English. I did a clean Windows install just because I wanted the partition layout changed and because I wanted to understand how it all works as well. If your buying from the UK then I fully recommend abusing the weak dollar as much as possible while it’s still weak, the prices compared to the prices in the UK with lower specced TR’s are excellent 
This guide can be used to do a clean install of Windows XP Home or Pro onto a Sony TR. I’m using a TR3SP from Japan however it will be virtually the same on all models of the TR so far other than the wireless LAN drivers might need to be different.
You will need to have all your drivers and Sony applications burnt onto a CD + SP1 (If you don’t have a Slipstreamed Windows XP SP1 CD) before you format the machine because you will have no network/wireless/modem access until the drivers are installed.
Once you have all the drivers and Sony applications plus your sure you’ve backed up anything on the machine which you don’t need you can begin.
Install Windows XP Home or Pro. Make sure that your wireless is turned on because we are going to need to install drivers for those devices, they don’t show up at all when it’s turned off. Also I’d recommend your on mains as this will take a while to complete the full setup. You can partition the laptop as you see fit, dual boot with other OS’s, etc. It doesn’t really matter. Installing Windows XP is beyond the scope of this webpage and if it’s beyond you then you’ll most likely struggle with the steps as they go on as well.
Now I install Windows XP which is Slipstreamed with Windows XP SP1 but if you haven’t done that then you will need to install SP1 now.
Install SP1 if it’s not already installed. You need to do this for instance because Bluetooth won’t work without this.
Now we can get on to installing the drivers. Do it in this order, it might work in others but I know it works just fine in this order. Reboot where asked by a driver install, if your not asked to reboot then go onto the next one.
Install the Intel Chipset Drivers by using the setup program
Now install the Graphics Drivers again by using their setup program
Now go to the Plug and Play Monitor in Device Manager and update the driver with the Sony LCD driver. This is not required but it adds the colour profile for the LCD which is useful for those doing graphics work on occasions.
Now run the Intel Pro/100VE Driver setup program. This helps because Device Manager has 2 LAN adapters with no drivers, the other one that is left after these are installed is the Wireless LAN.
Go to Device Manager and install the Wireless LAN drivers on the other ? Ethernet Controller. For my laptop this is based on an Atheros chipset which all a/b/g Japanese laptops use. Also after this is installed you can put on the Atheros Utility to make wireless LAN roaming easier but it’s not required.
** You need to install the LAN Express drivers using the setup program first if your TR works on the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz wireless bands and then install the updated Atheros drivers afterwards. If you don’t do this then the Wireless Switching Utility will not give you the option of switching on the 5Ghz band.
Install the SoundMAX drivers using the setup program with them.
Install the modem using it’s setup program (This took a while to complete on mine for some reason but it does install OK, just warning you)
Update the PS/2 mouse driver in Device Manager with the Alps Driver for the Touchpad. This adds useful things like sliding your finger down the right side of the pad to scroll, etc. If you don’t want any extra features like this then you don’t have to put this driver on.
The USB Device listed in Device Manager is the Webcam, install the driver for that. You also need to go down into the USB section and check each USB Root Hub for the one that has the webcam connected (You can check by double clicking on the Root Hub and then looking in Power). Once you have found the right Hub then you need to go into Power Management and turn off “Allow the computer to turn off the device to save power”
Update the Sony Notebook Controller in Device Manager with the Sony driver for it.
Same as above but for the Sony Programmable IO.
Go to the USB section and update the USB Mass Storage Device with the Sony Memory Stick driver. This will remove the icon on the tray asking you if you want to unplug the Memory Stick Reader which you clearly cannot do. If your not bothered by this then it will work just fine without this driver.
If you have a Japanese or European model of the TR then you’ll have one last device to install which is the Bluetooth. First of all run the setup program in the Bluetooth directory. This installs the Virtual COM port. Now run both the Hotfixes in the QFE for your language of Windows XP (They end ENU for English). Finally you need to find the last Device in Device Manager with a ? which is 3 letters (Name of it slips my mind now, I’m writting this after the fact. Someone please message me and let me know if you do this so I can amend this) and update the driver, point it to the Bluetooth folder.
You now have all the Device Drivers for the TR installed and there should be no ? marks in Device Manager at all.
Now you need to install the applications to get various parts of the system to work correctly. The order is also important here.
Sony Shared Library
Sony Utilities DLL
WLSONDBM DLL (Yes there is a program setup called WLSONDBM.DLL)
Sony Notebook Setup
Smart Capture Library
Network Smart Capture
HotKey Utility
Wireless Switch Setting Utility
Bluespace NE (If you have a TR with Bluetooth included)
You can put on things like DVGate, PictureGear Studio, SonicStage if you want and have them but not really required. You shouldn’t have much trouble with these.
The bulk of these apps (Other than DVGate, PictureGear, SonicStage) and drivers can be downloaded from the various Sony FTP and sites
European Site
US Site (Pick the TR model, they have an original drivers section + updated)