Well I have never regretted my purchase of X505. It is one of the Sony’s rarest and best endeavors to create a really quality product. It is light, thin and of course not for everyone. I am sure Sony will follow up and create another one with LED LCD and add other bells and whistles.
I love my X, it is without a doubt the most useful notebook I’ve ever owned…it’s just so light I carry it nearly everywhere.
The only ‘wishes’ that I have for it would be built-in wifi, BT, and to have the keyboard moved to the top so you have an arm-rest…and the only reason for that is so you can use it on your lap.
I love my CP. And I also agree that internal wifi and BT would be nice. And I also prefer 12.1 inch LCD if I want to replace my CP. 10.4” is ok, but I do think 12.1” will make it more useful, and I can accept a little bit more weight for a bigger screen.
It’s definitely very useful, but like previously mentioned, if the keyboard was moved up and there was internal BT it would be better. Even though other companies are trying to copy the X505, they just arn’t the same; the razor thin-ness and the smooth surface of the carbon fibre casing is unmatched.
I am really impressed at first and I love it so much but I had to sell it for an exception reason. I kept my T250. Internal wireless and BT are great if….....
[quote author=“TonyC”]not a long term user… but for good many reasons…
1) keyboard ergonomics turned it into the “UN"laptop
2) horrendous LCD compared to standard xbrite screens
wifi/bt/optical drive, ad nauseam
it was a GREAT exercise in sony 1337ness, but gdamn, talk about unpractical… so i sold mine too…
But why do people buy the laptop in the first place if optical drive is crucial? It’s no secret that the laptop doesn’t have an internal optical drive.
[quote author=“Sol510”]But why do people buy the laptop in the first place if optical drive is crucial? It’s no secret that the laptop doesn’t have an internal optical drive.
Haha, I went from a notebook without one, to swearing I would never do it again, so I bought the TR, and used it all of once, maybe twice (the drive, not the notebook). Lol. To me, an optical drive on a notebook is one of the biggest waste of space and weight. Each person uses their notebook differently and I’m sure for some people it’s a requirement.
I guess maybe some people try it figuring they will use an external one if needed and end up needing it more then they thought and an external one turns out to be a PITA.
As for the long term use update…I knocked one of those rubber things off by the sides of the keyboard…I need to order a replacement.