Okay, I crossed my fingers and toes and installed 6.1 on my system and here are the results:
* no disasters as of yet
* CDs burn (but they moved the menus around so don’t be alarmed, look under advanced for burn settings) but then they don’t play back. The speaker skips through all the songs very fast and that’s it. The CD is valid, I think, as it plays just fine in WMP and afdter restarting itunes all is well again. But it does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling about burning.
* a new file appears on the desktop after burning: _GEAREXT.WO_IDENT.TXT which has a bunch of information that i could care less about. but there are feilds there that pertain to customer, ie. me I think. I am glad they are blank, but it looks like a way to track who is burning what.
* the much touted video features seem to be a bust; while downloaded itunes videos play fine, the preview feature does not seem to work yet. Also, I can’t find a way to add my own video files to the library, so what good is that? just for the $1.99+ ones?
* miniplayer does not seem to be compatible with video playing. no window, just audio. that’s a joke for me, as 90% of the time that’s the mode i use.
* the interface has a darker skin and improved shading. nice, looks better now with my i-skin / windowblinds setup. the progress bar is much improved as well.
all in all, worth the upgrade i suppose and not dangerous as i once thought. So go for it and post your results here!