Hi Erik, Do you know the part number for PCG-X505CP bottom Casing(base cover) part number? Is it easy to replace? because mine is scratched and shiny(used auto wax).. and where can I order(VGN-X505ZP is also okay).
—For X505ZP the bottom accessory part number is- 4-680-049-11
I am not sure though if it is easy to replace. I would buy a service manual (available on Ebay, fast and quick download in PDF file for like $5 to make sure you know what you are doing). Good luck! Keep us posted, I wanna know if it is doable.
I have no idea if it’s easily replaced…I guess it could be. I am on vacation for 3 weeks so I don’t have the service manual with me…I assume the park # stan gave is correct.
[quote author=“VAIOfreak”]I am out on vacation right now, when I get back (26th) I will post the part#, or Erik might help out as well if he is back from his vacation. :wink:
I just realized that you were asking for the X505SP part number of the upper lid, and what I was gonna give you will be different because the top of X505ZP is made of nickel-carbon, not carbon-fiber. So I can’t help ya with it. Sony Parts US will not carry that part here. I am not aware of JP parts center site.