Ok guys.
First thanks for your help. I think I finally get it about my problems.
The first thing I have done, is disabling the launch at the start of everything related NIS (basiscally the operation consist in going to regsitry and rename all the exe entry realted with NIS), to be sure that my problem comes from NIS. I make some test, and the computer seems to work fine.
So I decide to make more investigations about NIS. I found a feature in NIS that really surprise me. NIS 2005 had a privacy option. I was quite curious about what this feature would be. I check the description, and after reading I was thinking how my god, how this is suppose to work without killing all performance. It seems this feature aims to avoid sensible data to be sent to Internet. You would tell me nothing wrong about this, but when you check what they mean about sensible data, they are talking about text !!!!! :shock: How crazy are they, because to really protect those kind of data, you need to scan everything who go out of your computer, which could be hugely performance consuming because based on text comparison. So finally, I switch off this option and i don’t have anymore internet slowing down or any perfomance issue. 
Also, about updates, if you don’t want automatic updates to be done, yo can disable automatic liveupdates from the options. Just open the NIS window by double cliking the tray icons. Go to Norton Internet Security Options, and Liveupdate tab, and you have a lot of options you can setup about liveupdate.
By the way, just a funny behaviour too. After sometimes, I was having a message when opening outlook or sometimes under windows, telling me that Norton Antivirus 2005 does not support repair and I need to reinstall NIS 2005. Can you guess from where this crap come ? :shock: Just changing the place of NIS shortcut directory in startup menu. Honestly, I don’t understand how people from symantec are designing there application. I never see any programs who use start menu shortcut to work, it doesn’t make sense at all.
Anyway, after all this happen, NIS is working quite fine. I hope it stays like this.
Anyway, thanks again guys for your help.