Man, this makes me weep with nostalgia…
VAIO VGN-Z590N // Core 2 Duo 2.53GHz | 4GB RAM | 320GB 7200 RPM | 802.11a/b/g/n | Bluetooth 2.0 HP TC1100 // 1.1GHz | 1.5GB RAM | 100GB 5400RPM | 802.11a/b/g | Bluetooth 1.2 Daily Gear // Sony Ericsson X1i | Panasonic Lumix ZS3 Digicam
Man, I remember liking more of that stuff than I want to admit… With the exception of TMNT (when the hell did they becme hero turtles???) the author chose the best versions of the intros.
sorry guys, first came to the US only 95….. no funny stuff like that back then already…