[quote author=“kageon1”]Sorry TR noob here,
I’ve used the TR3A for about 3 days now and noticed this laptop can get really hot (I’ve never felt a laptop this hot before). What surprised me was that this is an Intel Centrino laptop (aren’t Centrino’s supposed to be cooler?) Is this normal? Are there any ways to remedy this problem?
Yes, it’s normal. I use a laptop cooler, basically just a platform with fans in it that sucks the hot air off the bottom of your laptop and shoots it out the back.
It works really well, my HD temp goes from 55 C to about 46/47C using it which really cuts down on the keyboard temp as well. The area under the left palm reset is still warm but it’s a lot less warm and the keyboard remains quite cool instead of having warm air rising from it.
Most of these run off your USB port so you don’t have to drag around an AC adapter. From what I can tell the additional drain on the battery is really small basically un-noticable.