here’s what I’m trying to do:
I have the following code and 1 textbox named Text1 and a command button named Command1
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim a As Byte, b As Byte
a = 5
b = 10
MsgBox Text1
End Sub
When I run the program I type “a+b” in the textbox (without the quotes). Now, when I click the command button I want the sum of a and b i.e. 15 to be displayed not simply a+b. I have been coding for a while but I just cant think of how to do this. I dont think even if I take everything separately i.e. a,+,b I could solve this since still those things would stay as text….I could put an if then statement for the +, but how would I handle the variables :?
I was wondering if there was some easy solution for this or if someone could point me in the right direction.