Just so you know, Sony TR World quietly became 1 year old today. It’s been an amazing experience for me so far running this site and thanks to you members, the site has grown nicely and helped a lot of people and sold a lot of TRs for Sony.
As the year has progressed we’ve also started adding new sections for other cool notebooks and will probably continue to do so although the main focus will still be on ultraportables (and near ultraportables like the S series). Sadly, the TR is no more and the T has seemingly replaced it so we’ll just have to roll with the times. I suspect next year will see even better designs thanks to the new platforms coming out so it should be exciting.
This site will also undergo some changes as well to reflect the changes that are going on. So, look for that in the future…and don’t worry, you guys and gals will have lots of input on the direction.
I want to thank you members again for making this site a special place and making it what it is.
Best regards,