If anything it feels better :shock:
> I can actually see the writing from a comfortable distance.
> The keyboard is slightly bigger and (for some) can make entering text, (searches, etc.) easier.
> Just as bright of a screen for use in relatively high lit situations. (outside it sux as much as the TR’s screen. IMO.)
Yet on the TR, aside from the fact that I usually had to move my head a little closer than usual to the screen to properly see the text or whatever I was checking out, I still had just as easy of a time. You simply adjust to whatever you are using. For the first day or two my TR’s midget keyboard and trackpad were a tiny bit awkward to use, but then, after using my TR for a while,it felt weird to use such a “large” keyboard as was on my desktop and even my S. You simply adjust.
But I do prefer my S’s screen size and trackpad a little bit more overall (even though I still haven’t completely adjusted to the S’s trackpad being so much larger
). Plus I use it as my main computer, which the TR just wasn’t cutting it for. So whichever is yur preference is what you should get. There isn’t a Grand Canyon of difference between the two.