[quote author=“TruthSeeker”]This is kinda sad. The TR group is divided / split. The proverbial fork in the road, if you will. What will become of us? :ph34r:
Good question. This is Gr00vy0nes baby. I appreciate what I found here and respect his right to pursue his interests. Still…
I wasn’t seriously shopping for a notebook, but CompUSA had the 3A on sale and I became mildly interested. I decided to look more closely and this was one of the few sites I bothered to bookmark. As I became more interested, I camped out for a week, lurking, reading the FAQ and threads. Candid discussions of the TR’s limits, unrepentant disclosure of Sony’s failures and the wealth of solutions, tips and upgrade tutorials kept me reading. When I decided to buy, it was this focus, along with a friendly community, that kept me here.
For now the “S” posts are no problem. The relatively low volume of posts makes it easy to pick and choose. Looking to the future, what I’d really like to see is a way to log on to either TR World or S World
and share some common forums.
Just my two-bits.