Not much action on the linux forum so I post this:
I read gr00vy0ne’s bluetooth upgrade article and decided to do it myself so I did. Easy to do and works right off for me. I had all of the bluetooth stuff installed and in the kernel. I have only tried with my socket bluetooth gps. I also will use it with my wireless printer, but haven’t tried that yet.
The problem with the whole setup is that I can’t turn the wifi off other than with the hardware switch. I can however turn the bluetooth off with software with “spicctrl -l 0” or on with “spicctrl -l 1”. So I can, as of now, use wifi, wifi and bluetooth, or neither but not bluetooth alone.
The ipw2100 driver doesn’t seem to allow using “iwconfig eth1 txpower 0” to turn of wifi.
Anyone have any ideas on this?
If any of you interested I have added to my panel a button with the bluetooth logo which runs a script which turns bluetooth on or off:
# Find bluetooth state
onoff=$(/usr/bin/spicctrl -L)
# turn it on if off or off if on
if [ $onoff = "0" ]; then
/usr/bin/spicctrl -l 1
/usr/bin/spicctrl -l 0