Dlink has come out with a nice media adapter, still a tad pricey at $200, but for the tr3 owners with 802.11g capability, you can stream video, audio, photos, etc etc, to your TV, AND vice versa.
Its still not a tv tuner, but anything on the tv screen u’ll be able to view wirelessly on your TR. The Dlink rep said “well you know, if someone is in another room, watching tv, you can also watch the same thing they are watching, on your TR…”
it didnt really woo me.
but nonetheless, i think i’m gonna go for it, jsut to stream movies and such to my tv and stereo.
Direct link :
anyone have or researching something similiar?
Phillips is supposed to be releasing a TV with built in 802.11g caps and stuff, but not sure on the release date.