[quote author=“TruthSeeker”]Does the type of firewall determine whether or not someone could exploit you via a port scan?
A port scan is just a quick check to see if there are specific ports in your connection responding to requests. Think of it like someone walking outside your house checking to see if there is a window or door open or unlocked. It is just an inspection… not an “exploit”. Obviously, finding out that a window is unlocked facilitates entering into your house, but it does not necessarily mean that your system is unsafe…. it just means that a window is open
An exploit is the use of one or more system vulnerabilities to perform an action supposedly not permited. So… a port scan is not an exploit 
[quote author=“TruthSeeker”]Dumb question…what’s a script kiddie?
Me about 30 years ago?
It’s someone that just runs scripts or tools to attempt to exploit vulnerabilities, without knowing what he is actually doing and what is even worst, without even caring to learn from what is happening.