By default, Centrino based Sony TRs (which include the TR1A, TR1AP, TR1MP, TR2A, and TR2AP1) come with regular Intel drivers and Microsoft’s Zero Configuration enabled. This works pretty well but only offers you the most basic of options and controls over the hardware. For those who want more security options and control, they should look into getting the latest ProSet software and drivers.
The latest version of the driver is which fixes a few issues with the previous drivers and adds WPA support. You can find more information here . One nice thing about the new software is that it fixes the dropping Wireless connection for some people. You should still check for newer firmware updates for your Wireless Routers/Access Points as the problem can be on that end.
So, what does the ProSet software allow you to do?
First of all, it adds a task tray icon that shows you wireless signal strength. It’s the little animated bar…but you knew that.
This is helpful for those who frequent different WiFi “hotspots” and want to find the area with the strongest signal. Sure you can use the built-in Windows software to check the signal but it’s not readily accessible. The icon also lets you access the ProSet control panel if you need to make changes to your settings.
The panel offers you an overview of your basic settings and is the starting point to other tabs. The most notable of the tabs and configuration screens are the following:
The security settings are much more advanced with a variety of Network authentication and data encryption modes with WPA options as well.
The power settings are really neat because they allow you to control the power of the antenna so that you can extend battery life. If you’re close to an access point, you can lower the settings to increase your battery life. Although the automatic setting works pretty well, it’s nice to have control if you need it.
Lastly, the advanced settings gives you fine control over the wireless settings and how it connects with other networks. I like the fact that you can setup profiles and force the software to only connect with those profiles.
One thing to note is that the ProSet software does install a few things in your startup groups. It installs, NetSvc, 1XConfig, RoamMgr, ZCfgSvc, and S24EvMon processes. So, you don’t really need this software since the built-in Windows software works. However, if you want/need finer control over the wireless solution then you should take a look at the software. You can continue to use the newer driver but you can always uninstall the ProSet software as it’s not a requirement.
Lastly, Sony doesn’t offer this software and neither does Intel. You’ll have to download drivers from an alternative source. I found them at ASUS’ website. It’s all good since it’s everyone is using the Centrino wireless (PRO 2100) solution. The current version can be found here . You’ll first want to “update” to the new driver from within the Pro Wireless 2100 device properties. Then install the ProSet application and you’ll be all set.