Well, the trick is to extract all applications from sony.pac archives on “Application Recovery CDs” #1 and #2. For that you’ll need to copy CD:\image\SONY.PAC and unpacking utility kcap.exe (download the app from http://www.myplc.com/sony/bin/kcap.zip to directory on your HDD.
On C: disk make folder “sony”. Copy \image\SONY.PAC from “Application Recovery CD #1” and kcap.exe to C:\sony. Open Command Prompt set path to C:\sony type command “kcap sony.pac c:\sony”. All programs will be extracted to C:\sony with meaningless folder names like “0133101.SNC ... 0129801.SUC” for each application. To see which application is in each folder open in notepad file \bin\SONYINSTALL1.INI on “Application Recovery CD #1”. There you will find, for each application, something like:
[Common Solutions for Support Agent]
text=Common Solutions for Support Agent
prompt=Insert your VAIO Application Recovery CD Disk # 1
Where “[Common Solutions for Support Agent]” contains application name and “cmd=0129801.SUC\Setup.exe” contains folder name it is extracted to. So, just rename folder “0129801.SUC” to “Common Solutions for Support Agent”.
After renaming all folders replace C:\sony\SONY.PAC with \image\SONY.PAC from “Application Recovery CD #2” and repeat above extraction procedure for other applications.