hi, bought an x505 on ebay, but got a bit of a problem with a circular scratch that it arrived with,about 1 to 2 inches in the middle of the screen, looked at it from various angles and there’s also a small indentation. antiglare coating is also missing in that area. . the scratch really gets in the way, and makes the area look very pale. anyone know how to repair it? its really damage to the top layer which is like a plastic cover of the screen, can i easily remove this and replace with a new one?
thanks so much for any & all help
thanks Jef for your helpful reply.
The plot thickens. The previous owner has now told me the damage ‘appeared’ as a result of the laptop being left on while the cover was closed. He said the heat of the cpu caused that damage (which he neglected to mention in the ebay advert-ah well!)
- and indeed that area does correspond to the place where the screen meets the cpu when the x505 is closed. looks like the surface just peeled off. a useful warning to all perhaps! wonder if its happened to anyone else?
anyway does that change your opinion about filling and buffing it? should i go back to sony themselves, or elswhere? is there anyone you’d trust? (Im in London UK)? or a guide to doing it myself?