I agree with VAIOfreak. When I first got here, it was already kind of slow. But I liked that because unlike other active forums that post 100+ threads a day, I could actually READ and search for things that have already been posted instead of asking about it.
I have my paint project posted on here, but it has been delayed for many months because my other project will sometimes take over (other project is my car…funny, I own a TR2 laptop and a MR2 car lol).
And, now that I commute to work with my wife, I am away from the house at least 12 hours a day whereas before, I was only working part time and had LOTS of time to do things.
I have even come close to selling my TR2 because of the new Asus laptops that have SSD drives (small capacity though) and are loaded with Xandros Linux - cheap too at about $400.
The only thing I see that keeps the forum active is: 1. new people 2. troubleshooting 3. NEW mods to the laptop.
Nonetheless, I love it here! Especially since BladeRunner is THE MAN!