Thanks everyone for your input and it’s great to see everyone going and placing their orders. I knew I wasn’t the only crazy person here who just had to have Bluetooth built-in. Why they didn’t include it in the first place is beyond me.
It’s really interesting to see all of us upgrading our TRs…I would say most of us have done it without even owning the systems for more than half a year. You guys are a hardcore! I love it!
And yes, my DVD-RW drive is on the way as well…I don’t even think I need it but once the upgrade lust begins….the thirst must be quenched and the wallet must be lightened! Of course, as a TR1 owner, I’m still stuck with the 30GB drive. I haven’t been able to justify upgrading to the 40GB drive. I’m going to keep my hopes alive and wait for a 50 or 60GB 1.8” drive…and no, it hasn’t been announced or anything…I’m just wishing.
VAIO Jet: It actually comes off fairly easily. I normally push the screen open all the way and then I gently apply a little force on the back part of the plastic (near the power button and where it says PCG-TRxxx) and it comes off. The key is to get the plastic under the outer hinges. You only need to do it once and then you’ll realize it’s easy to do.