Hi everyone,
I just bought a new laptop in Japan and bought win xp pro too separately since I got everything in Japanese.(sony vgn-52b)
Backed up all drivers and kept the 5 GB back up partition.
After reinstalling I put back all drivers and everything is working BUT:
I need all the software in English, where the hell can I get it.
I have the Japanese version which is no use to me.
Software needed is:
Click To DVD
Picture Gear Studio
Sonic Stage CP
Vaio Media
HD Backup
Vaio Launcher
I hope that’s all.
The most important one is DO Vaio since I am unable to use the tv function without it.
As you can see in there web Site: [url]http://www.vaio.sony.co.jp/Products/FT3/software.html
Yes I know, I should have checked it before, the shop in Japan does not support anything but Japanese which really sucks, even my remote is in Japanese but I dont mind.
Any help will be appreciated.