Sony 2 Recover DVD for PCG-TR3AP (Win Pro) for you thru torrent download I will keep this file up for a week.
thanks mikeny,
Could anybody do the same for the TR1MP that would be so much appreciated
thanks a lot in advance thom
could some 1 seed this torrent thanks
I do not have DSL for now
Aint it any other way by which we could download these files. REALLY REALLY need the recovery cds. thanks
I need this set now .. where could I find it ?!
thanx ,,,
The Only Blue VAIO TR owner !
As some of you may have found out, Sony is no longer selling these for the tr3AP (I won’t even get started).
I would be happy to seed a torrent if someone can get me a copy of these. Download, or mail. I have 500k up on my dsl line.
Thanks! Guitar Smurf
Anybody willing to seed TR1MP disks?