Check if theres warm air coming out the left side of your TR.
The next thing you can do is removing the keyboard and youll see wether its running or not.
In order to do this you only have to remove 2 screws on the bottom of your tr. Its the two screws hidden UNDERNEATH the two rubber thingies to the right and left of your batterie.
After that lift up your keyboard from the upper side (Function keys). There are still two kind of “Clips” holding your keyboard on that side. You can carefully push them away with a flat screwdriver. Now you are able to see your fan.
Both methods wont make sure whether the fan is running at correct speed
@All of you:
I also noticed that my TR3 has gotten warmer than the day I got it (2 years ago). However… could no longer use it on my lap without feeling uncomfortable.
This is why I opened up my TR a few days ago. I thought the fan wouldnt work properly or I have at least expected to find lots of dust…
But my fan was running. Dust was not worth mentioning…
So I dissambled the whole mainboard in order to dissamble the fan itself (2 screw on bottom of mainboard).
I was suprised when I finally hold the blade-unit in my hand. I couldnt see a bearing or something. The only bearing it had was the axle that it was standing on. I greased it litle and assembled it all (renewed heat conducting paste on cpu)
Cant tell that made a change :x
After surfing on the forum for a while I found the program:
Notebook hardware control
I used that program to reduce the voltage on my 1GHZ CPU and I still wonder how far I can go. I reduced the voltage many times and by now for the highest Speedlevel (990 MHZ) Ive reduced it by 10 percent what makes about 0,1 Volt of formaly 1,04 Volt and its still running fine. Ill go on testing how far I can go You guys should try…
However, the programs also shows the temperatures of your CPU and your HD. Using that function I realized that sometimes my harddisc, that is actually located beneath the card reader (right next to the cpu) is even warmer than my CPU ?!?!!?
When idle at 990 MHz:
CPU: 52 degrees Celsius
HD : 53 degrees Celsius
Packing big RAR Archive at 990Mhz:
CPU: 58-60 degrees celsius
HD : 58-59 degrees celsius
According to the scale the two units had about the same temperatur. But
when touching the bottom of my laptop while packing the RAR Archive the spot where the HD is located is definetely warmer! It makes me believe that my HD is going to give up soon since the regular operating temperaturs of HDs are at least 10 degrees Celsius less.
And I think that this is where the “extra heat” comes from.
My questions:
Can you guys tell me the regular operating temp of the Toshiba 1.8” Hds?
Would you guys use “Notebook Hardware Control” to read out your temperatures and post them right here?
Is it possible to read out the rpm of the fan? Whats the programs name doing that? Whats the regular rpm of TR3 fan?