[quote author=“Teem1978”]Hiya everyone, i’m a TR3AP owner for about i wanna say maybe 2yrs. I’m pretty much a noob when it comes to upgrading PC’s and what not so i thought i’d ask you guys some quick questions if you dont mind =D :cry:
1) can i easily upgrade my hard drive to something bigger? (40gigs sounds like alot but oddly after a while i feel like i’m filling up my laptop fast) looking maybe for 80 or 100gig heheh
2) can memory errr Ram be upgraded? if i’m reading this right i have 508mb of Ram…but i read that comps can go up to 1gig
3) can my optical drive be replaced to burn dvd’s or even dual layer(prob not)? i found this model # but not too sure if its compatable with my laptop (Sony DVDRW (UJ-8129.5MM) )
4) and finally, since im pretty sure all these things are possible, is there a place i could actually get all this done. Dont feel comfy doin any of this myself and dont want to lose teh best laptop on earth but am also weary if the boys over at “Geek Squad” could do anything.
Thanks fer your advice/help and i’m really sorry for the long post
All things are possible…...
1. You can get a 60gb hdd. These are a 1.8mm that only the Hitachi model has the correct connector. I’ve heard that an 80gb has been released but the price is astronomical.
2. Memory can be doubled. A 512mb module is available.
3. Optical drives can be replaced and a dual-layer is available. DTS here on the forums will probably answer you soon with his availability. I have purchased from him. I have also seen some from Asia on eBay. But you have to be careful you are getting the right size. 9mm
4. Look around the forums, there are detailed do-it-yourself instructions here in the forums with pictures. I’ve been in my TR numerous times without any problems. I have upgraded my optical drive, added bluetooth and replaced a broken hard drive. Adding ram is just a matter of opening the little hatch underneath.
I hope this helps!