Hi all, first I should say that this forum is awesome. It’s been a frustrating search over the past few months looking for a decent VAIO forum (specifically for the TR Series) and last night I happened to have stumbled across this one. Great job whoever owns, created, and maintains it!
Okay, so today I received my shiny new TR2A - and it’s an amazing little machine. I personally hate OEM loads/builds and partitions and so on, and wanted to do a clean install. So after I discovered that Sony was a bit stingy and didn’t include an Application/Driver recovery CD, I tried to make recovery discs through Sony’s Software - but kept getting error messages (have several new coaster now to boot). Then I tried using Acronis MigrateEasy to clone the drive to my external USB 2.0 drive, but that was giving me problems too. So I then when to Sony’s site and downloaded all the drivers for the TR2 and proceeded to do a clean install with WinXP Pro thinking all I needed was there, why would they leave anything out? (little did I know :( ).
At this point, all is great. I’ve got one nice (big) partition showing almost 38GBs, ALL the devices are working with no conflicts in Device Manager (even the Camera is working), and my Wireless is up and running as well. But now, the only things I am missing are the Hotkey functionalities (fn+ Sound, Brightness, etc) as well as the display buttons functionality which are the ‘Camera Capture Button’ utility, the ‘Magnification’ utility as well as the Volume buttons.
Does anyone know where I can download these applications? I was shocked to see that Sony does not include these programs/drivers in their download section and since I couldn’t even make restore CDs, I have nothing to browse to try and extract these programs.
So if anyone has these programs and can post them somewhere where I can download them (or email them, thanks to broadband), I’d be very grateful. If you have a PayPal account I can send a little ‘donation’ to make the effort more appealing? At this point, I just want the software to make this cool little machine 100% complete so I wouldn’t mind shelling out $20 for someone to send me some apps.
Again, I am desperate to find apps for:
Hotkey Functions/OnScreen display
Camera Capture Function/Software
Magnification Function/Software
Thanks in advance! - My little VAIO awaits to use the rest of his functions/buttons!