[quote author=“gilberto”]the TX doesnt have a linux partition. Some punk came up with this nonsense on notebookforums.com
It is a normal app that can be installed. The AV button is wired funny and when you push the AV in windows, it brings up the WinDVD.
The ‘real’ AV feature works ONLY if the computer is hibernating or in stand by mode. You can’t bring it up when it is OFF.
While in ‘real’ AV mode, the fan spins like crazy, the CPU utilization is way too high and the battery dies pretty fast. I would say less than 2 movies.
The ‘real’ AV mode resembles minix, but for sure it doesnt run on its own partition. The AV just invokes this file that has to be in the c:\
This A/V feature unfortunately is not a real gem.
Not to mention that it doesnt remember your settings and you have to readjust the hue, brightness, etc every time you boot into it.
In my book the A/V is just another sorry ass excuse from Sony. It could have been done way better!
My 2 cents.
Weird mine saves my settings including the backlight and the place where I stopped last on the DVD I’m viewing.. But I haven’t tried switching to another DVD and see if it saves the settings from the previously watched DVD movie.. But it does saves my settings..
Maybe they’ve fixed it on TX770 and above.. :idea: