This has happened 3 times in the last week. I will be surfing the net and I will get a blue screen that is only up for a couple of seconds and then a reboot. I let it report the error to Microsoft and then it brings up a report screen that says:
Error type : Windows stop error (A message appears on a blue screen with error code information)
Solution available? : No (see Next steps)
What does this error mean? : Windows has encountered an error from which it cannot recover and needs to restart
Cause : Unknown device driver
Computer symptoms : A message appears on a blue screen with error code information (for example: e.g. 0x0000001E, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)
Additional steps for you to take : Important: Please continue to send error reports so analysts at Microsoft can study and try to correct the problem as quickly as possible.
Has anyone else had this problem? And does this mean my TR3AP is on it’s way out? (ie:motherboard, etc)