Urgh…Gundam, I appreciate your attempt to be helpful…but this is not at all helpful.
Newest Graphics driver:
http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=N&ProductID=922&DwnldID=10099&strOSs=45&OSFullName=Windows* XP Home Edition&lang=eng (magnify button wont work but its faster
How do you know that it’s faster? New drivers do not automatically equate to better performance. Most of the time, they fix compatibility problems rather than add extra performance. Because these “newer” drivers remove a functional part of the TR, a user will have to have a really good reason to upgrade.
You should fully research your helpful hints before you suggest them to people since you run the risk of pointing people down the wrong path when their systems are already fine to begin with. While it’s nice to have the “latest” stuff and drivers, I think for most people “if it’s not broken then don’t fix it” is a better strategy to pursue unless there’s some absolutely necessary reason for them to upgrade (security reasons or bug fix).