I’d definately get a TX if I had the cash. Finally got to try it out last weekend and was pretty impressed with it. Only thing I really didn’t like about it was the keyboard, definately not as good in my opinon as the ones on the TR and T series but not horrible either, I could get used to it.
Did like the screen though, even though its only like 60 pixels wider than before, it makes a significant difference. I’m not sure, but I feel as if it were a bit dim compared to the screens on the TR and T but its been a while since I used those notebooks so I dunno. Didn’t find any light leakage or anything like that, everything was evenly lit and good contrast, its a nice screen overall.
Same goes for the touchpad, found it the best out of the TR and T, big and comfy. Although I also did not like the mouse buttons, they were too close to the front edge of the notebook in my opinion and found them a bit uncomfortable to use. Found the thinness of the screen amazing but was worried about its fragility. I was afraid to open and close it in fear of just snapping the screen in half or something, even though several owners say its quite durable.
I couldn’t stop playing with it, since it is so small and damn cute compared to the “monster” notebooks that were next to it like the SZ and FE. :wink:
Overall a pretty nice notebook, the high price tag defininately puts it far out of my reach. :(