Well I don’t think anyone would expect to run 2006 games on a TR any more than they’d expect to launch nuclear missiles from a Colt 45. As far as old-school games go, I’ve been playing….
[list]Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun / Red Alert (the Generals version sort of works, but is rather sluggish and you have to put the detail down)
All the LucasArts SCUMM games work fine on SCUMMVM, so I’ve been plugging away at Monkey Island II[/list:u]
I’d imagine the SimCity/Civillisation etc games work fine too - would be interested to hear anyone else’s choices.
Someone on this forum said he got Doom 3 working reasonably on a U70, but my experience with Doom 3 (admittedly trying to play it at the TR’s native res) was that it wasn’t playable. There have been a bunch of games I’ve gotten over the past year that tax my home box (an aging Opteron 148 and GeForce 6800) like F.E.A.R., Doom3, Quake4 and VtM:Bloodlines. Even some older titles, like Far Cry and Deus Ex 2 (god what a subpar sequel to one of the greatest games ever) are pretty tough on that hardware.
keep em coming guys keep the TR alive yaya. Respect and live old skool.
I hope they would come out with external graphics cards thru usb. Anyway if u guys find program that works as Transform and lighting and tricks game into thinking the hardware has it plz tell us we all want our little TR’s to pwn those alienware crap down
P.S. i would laugh so hard if it would work for unreal tornament 2007 id wet my pants when it comes out
Just looked at unreal tornament 2007 what the hell minium is 2.8 p4 512 ram and mad high graphics card what were they thinking lol must be mad laggy in big games online.
I hate how people say oh u cant play anything on that little screen it must suck. Heres what u do pimp slap them. Who likes bringing a large notebook around better of bringing my desktop lol
[quote author=“Gundam”]Just looked at unreal tornament 2007 what the hell minium is 2.8 p4 512 ram and mad high graphics card what were they thinking lol must be mad laggy in big games online.
Developers give higher minimum specs so that someone who meets the min specs will have an ‘enjoyable experience’. If they listed it at lets say 2.0 p4 with 512 then it still might run but be choppy and they would get more returns and lose customers who might not trust them and buy other titles they sell. It’s a dual edge sword…the technology is out there but only hard-core gamers will drop the $ on it…IMO it’s a non issue as graphics don’t make a game, gameplay does. Doom3 could have had the best graphics in the world but the game sucked big time. For flight sims, racing games, etc, then graphics are more important for the true to life experience, for most games, i’d say pay more attention to gameplay and forget about jaw-dropping graphics.
[quote author=“rahulnirmal”]2006 games on the TR!? Hahahahaha! Hohohohohoho! Hehehhe! Oh man, that is freaking hilarious dude! You should do standup, I swear, oh man, my sides are aching!! Haha!