Motion Eye removal and disassembly procedure!
1. Remove the six pads on the front side of the TR display cover ( 4 round, 2 rectangular) with a tiny flat tip screwdriver.
2. Remove all six screws, they are all the same length.
3. Gently remove the display cover by running a finger nail between where the split line is from the bottom towards the top.
4. Gently start lifting it (screen cover) away from the display starting from the bottom, on mine there was some adhesive on the back side of the cover located on the right hand side ( under the buttons), apply light pressure while pulling gently outward it will slowly release.
5. The motion eye assembly is held in the lid with two screws, on mine the cable that connects the eye was very taunt, to remove it I first moved the display away from the cover (four more screws) to gain a little slack in the eye cable (it is taped to the top case in two places).
6. After removing the two eye screws rotate it out just enough to remove the cover by inserting a small flat tip screwdriver in the hole and slide the cover towards the hole and lift it away.
7. Remove two screws that hold it together.
8. You will need to remove the screw holding the board in the case and unplug the connector, remove the screw holding the camera in the case and remove the assembly.
9. When you diassemble the UVC11 camera pay attention to the orientation of the ribbon cable connection on the CCD (camera) it needs to be plugged in the same way on the TR motion eye board!
10. Reverse the process for reassembly and you have your motion eye back!!!