I saw someone with a X505 :shock:
I’m actually quite shock to see someone living in Canada in my area to be using X505, considering how little units were produced. It’s actually more shocking that it was within a month of my X505 purchase.
Anyone else see someone use the X505 while out shopping or eating or what not?
I take my X505 from time to time to Starbucks or other better coffee shops that actually offer free Wi-Fi. I never saw anyone yet with X505… I flew to FL and used it in airports as well. I saw X505ZP being sold in CompUSA though, so it was a pleasant surprise.
1 time. at the airport (LAX of course). this (non-Asian, middle aged) lady busts out an all black lappy. skinnier and smaller than my TR3A. it had big ol ‘VAIO’ on it.. at that time, (late last year) i didn’t know it was the X505. i looked at her lappy w/ envy and frowned upon my own TR3A as if it was my bastard child…
This has got me thinking, since they came out i have only seen 1 person use the X505, that too in my uni. None around where i live, and none in central london either. Quite strange considering i’ve seen quite a few Vaio Us and too many TR5s. I saw a person use the Samsung Q30 recently on the underground. Its so so so thin, dont know if you could compare it with the VAIO X tho.