I find these commercials to be hilarious…watch each very carefully since there’s so much going on in the commercials.
OneNote rules!
VAIO VGN-Z590N // Core 2 Duo 2.53GHz | 4GB RAM | 320GB 7200 RPM | 802.11a/b/g/n | Bluetooth 2.0 HP TC1100 // 1.1GHz | 1.5GB RAM | 100GB 5400RPM | 802.11a/b/g | Bluetooth 1.2 Daily Gear // Sony Ericsson X1i | Panasonic Lumix ZS3 Digicam
Yeah, kind of like my office whenever someone puts mescaline in the coffee machine. :?
OMG you made my day thank you dude… PS that mescal in the coffee sounds like a awsome idea.
I always cringe when I see a paper cut scene. Ouch! :o