My friend recorded a concert on the radio it s a great quality only probem it s made of a huge 4h track.
I was listening to it in my car when i realize it would ge great if i could find a software that would cut the song automatically every 4min (for example).
It drove me crazy when , by mistake, i ejected the cd i was at the 74th min… i tried to go back to it by pressing the fastforward button but gave up after 2min(i was at approximatively 6th min ? )
I know i could do so wiht a software like cooledit but i dont feel like doing it for the whole 4hours… image how long it would take me…
any advice?
thanks a lot :
[quote author=“Drachen”]I like Audacity , but you’ll also need to download LAME .
Audacity is a good tool. However, correct me if im wrong but I don’t remember it having a utility to automatically cut a waveform into 4 min chunks. I think it would probably be easier to go with one of the plethora of media splitter/joiner programs.
[quote author=“Thom”]it aint a wav file but a MP3 file… don t know if it changes anything…
what s a “plethora of media splitter/joiner programs” ?
Just search google for something like “mp3 splitter”. My quick search came up with this:
One big flaw with using all those audio editors (Soundforge, Windows Media, etc) is they all reencode after they’re done with their operation, degrading the music quality even more. A plain media cutter just cuts the files, and then appends the appropriate mpeg-style meta data at the ends. Heck, screw MP3, go FLAC .
[quote author=“jashsu”]One big flaw with using all those audio editors (Soundforge, Windows Media, etc) is they all reencode after they’re done with their operation, degrading the music quality even more. A plain media cutter just cuts the files, and then appends the appropriate mpeg-style meta data at the ends. Heck, screw MP3, go FLAC .
So its like a photo editor,too. keep save jpg over and over degrade their quaity.