i’ve asked around about this a bit, and i’ve been getting mixed responses. my left side (power adapter side) hinge is loose and has been ever since i first received the system. i thought it was from dropping it into the case (more like sliding it about 2 inches), but my fiancee said it was already this loose (i just didn’t remember it being as loose). i’ve read on other forums that this is common, but i’m wondering how common. i tried calling sony, but they just told me everything (including the dead pixel) was my fault. sadly, it’s still under warranty.
i’m just wondering if anyone else is having this same issue. my other hinge is just fine, so i don’t know.
i also thought dropping it in that one time created a dead pixel, but my fiancee said that was already there as well. she’s used the computer more than i have since i purchased it, so i guess she’d know better, haha.
yeh, the left side hinge is a little bit loose if you compare with the right side hinge. In my CP, the left hinge can be move left to right around 0.2-0.4 mm. It is really not very noticable, that I believe it should be normal. Actually, I have never noticed this problem until I saw your post.
[quote author=“kennnnnnsuke”]the one on the right side is more like that, about a 1-2mm move, but i’d have to say it’s at least 7-8mm on the left side. i’m not sure exactly why, but at least i know the right side is normal.
(didn’t feel like logging in, sorry =) )
7-8mm?, that can not be normal!
My right hinge is pretty much fixed, I can not move it at all. Only the left hinge is a little bit loose, but the move range is less than 1mm.
Have you cantacted the retailer or sony?
My left side (as I look at the notebook) is a bit loose, but the right side is very firm sat. It might be a design flaw they have overlooked. To me it is really not a big deal.
i’m back on my x again (away from it for a few days) and I took another look at it. It’s closer to 2-2.5 mm hinge travel on the left, not 7-8, haha. i really remembered it being worse… it doesn’t bother me that much now that I know it’s normal.
as for the dead pixel, i’ve contacted sony 4 times about it and they just refuse to fix it. oh well, it’s not even noticable unless you are looking at a full black screen. i really shouldn’t bother with either thing.
As X505 likes no others which it has ONLY ONE hinge at right side, power button side. It’s LCD and bottom body is firmed by this hinge.
That’s reason why you see left hinge is looser than right hinge. In fact, left side at DC jack, there is NO hinge between LCD and bottom body.