[quote author=“gr00vy0ne”]Ha…it’s that darn black furniture…it looks so cool when you first set it up and then dust bunnies attack and it’s all over.
Dude, tell me about it… All of my funiture is either chrome, black, glass or a combination thereof. I’ve been toying with the idea of hermetically sealing my apartment and giving hazmat suits to all visitors. The other idea I had was to leave the window open so the soot from the buses darkens the exising dust. That way I just have to deal with the glass.
Needless to say, both plans are works in progress.
[quote author=“gr00vy0ne”]
And yes, I plan on getting one. My only concern is that the “1st revision” PSP units will likely have some problems in them. Of course, it’s too soon to know what they’ll be but I generally prefer the Rev A01 or A02 models.
As far as defects or problems: I hope they have polished them out. The ones I have head of were: dead pixels, bad UMD drives and one of the controller button being stuck. http://www.playstation.jp/info/qa.php?pid=&cid=480&sid=1 - info in JP
EBGames is offering a warranty on the PSP. No word on price yet, but the salesman said it covers dead pixels. If it is $35 or under I think I will do it.
[quote author=“Drachen”]Dude, tell me about it… All of my funiture is either chrome, black, glass or a combination thereof. I’ve been toying with the idea of hermetically sealing my apartment and giving hazmat suits to all visitors.
Instead of hazmat suits, I would install an air shower sanitation “chamber”. And for kicks, it would have a reverse fan so that I could dump a bunch of $1 bills in it and pretend I was on some game show. :wink:
That case is terrible Erik - I thought it was meant to be Playstation ‘Portable’ Makes me laugh when Nintendo released the GBA, a really nice and small piece of kit, only for third parties to create add ons such as magnifying glasses, joysticks, speakers etc that turned the device into a behemoth of Transformer style proportions, totally defeating the point of its portable origins…
Well I have 3 dead pixels on my PSP, only visible on a pure black screen where they show up as tiny red specks, but to be honest they’re really not noticeable during use. There’s also a speck of dust under the screen, but again its fine.
Ken Kutaragi has gone on record saying that the dodgy square button (which I haven’t noticed) is actually within specification and developers and users will have to get used to it…
I’ve played the heck out of Lumines and Ridge Racers, and can’t wait for the US release so I can get my hands on some new games - anyone fancy picking up a copy of Wipeout Pure for me, and maybe a couple of other launch titles - I’ll be very nice to you
[quote author=“Wadham”]anyone fancy picking up a copy of Wipeout Pure for me, and maybe a couple of other launch titles - I’ll be very nice to you
Sure, I have no problem with it. I sent Mighty Matt the WiFi + BT, done several users X505 ENG swaps…
Just make a list of what you want, use EBgames.com to price them out, let me know and we will arrange it all. PM or e-mail me.
EDIT: BTW, what do you use to hold the UMDs…I don’t want to carry 5 Game cases with me…and with the UMD’s exposed I don’t want to just keep them in my pocket…
thanks for the address of that EBgames store.
they also ship internationally, so that’s great, cause as you already know, they are delaying european release for who knows how long…
Daft design, UMD’s in my opinion - what the hell were Sony thinking of leaving the discs exposed like that???
I just keep the discs in thier cases, or if i need to carry a couple about I use a basic pouch that I got with my headphones. Not much protection, but it keeps the dust off..
Thanks for helping out with the games - I’ll drop you a list shortly!
[quote author=“KZ2030”]Erik,
thanks for the address of that EBgames store.
they also ship internationally, so that’s great, cause as you already know, they are delaying european release for who knows how long…
No problem. The other major game store is gamestop.com , essentially EBgames only compeditor since both stores swallowed many small ones amoung the way. I have no idea if gamestop ships internationally or not.
If they give you a hard time about exporting PSP games, let me know, I have no problem doing the leg-work…I just suggest you do it quickly, each store only got 5 copies of each title…thats including pre-orders.
Wadham - apparently you can go directly through the site, but if you dont want to or can’t for whatever reason, i’ll still be glad to help.
[quote author=“Wadham”]I’ve played the heck out of Lumines and Ridge Racers
Hey Wadham, I am about to buy these exact 2 titles at launch!
Do you recommend I stick with Lumines and Ridge Racers? I only would waver in my decision if Wipeout Pure is THAT much better than Ridge Racers, but then again, I don’t really like the super crazy racing games with the weirded out vehicles. Anyways, did you enjoy your games while you had them?
I still have them, and yes I still play the heck out of them. Ridge Racers is probably the best RR game ever made on any format - it just has so much depth and the handling is pure RR - needless to say , if you’re not a fan of exaggerated cornering then steer clear (pun intended)
Lumines is also very addictive, although the main challenge game can go on for some time before it gets hard and then you tend to hit a brick wall of insane difficulty - most sessions last about 30-40 mins at the moment!
Both games are highly recommended - Lumines for its gameplay, excellent music and images (in the vein of Rez et al.), and Ridge Racers for “wow” factor and sheer fun.
I’m sure you won’ be disappointed with either, even though they are ‘only’ launch titles.