[quote author=“deichenlaub”]On my T150P, I have a Vaio Update icon near the clock. It looks like a comic book speech balloon with a red lightning bolt. It’s been sitting there for months. I’ve been waiting for it to do something, but the only time I’ve seen it do anything is when there are Microsoft updates. That’s not very useful because Microsoft has their own announcement for updates (an exclaimation mark in a yellow balloon). Sony has posted graphics driver updates, SonicStage updates, Critical DVD something-or-other updates, and more. None of these seem to trigger the Vaio update icon.
I only see two check boxes in the options, and they are both checked. Did Sony really do something this stupid? If so, how do I turn it off. (I don’t mean hide it. I’m sure it’s using some kind of service / resource.)
It would be in the Add/Remove programs list, I believe.