Okay, so i don’t really know what happened. But one day i’ve decided to play with the motion eye and then i realized that it wasn’t working. When i press the capture button or when i go through windoes to get to the webcam or picture mode, i get a black display screen and it has nothing on it. Is the motion eye broken?
It may be a broken motion eye, but it could also be a corrupted driver. If you search on the forum for broken or black motion eyes you should get several posts relating to this problem.
I just checked mine and it’s black too… What a pain, for hte couple of times I have used it. That T model is looking better and better all the time now…
Mine does the same exact thing. Black screen with occassional vertical scanning lines. I took the motion eye apart which is very easy to do. If the camera is bad does anyon know where you could buy the inards for it? It would only take 5 minutes to replace.
I have thesame issue with mine too, i installed a software for picture editing, but later uninstalled, cus i do not like it, ever since, my motion eye has been black.
I uninstalled the drive, and re-installed, but same proble persit.
Somebody should come to our aid ,my TR is not complete without the motion eye
Has anyone actually replaced the camera on their unit? I took it apart the other day (really easy), but still the same green light and vertical scan lines. Installed and reinstalled everything (drivers, apps, libraries) and still nothing. It’s not that I need the darn thing to work, its more of the challenge in getting it to work, but this is getting on my nerves fast. What does everyone out there think? Is it the camera or the software? There are just too many of these TRs out there without the camera working. There has to be an answer. I tried the reset button, turning off the power management still nata. Come on Sony, fes up on this. There has to be someone from Sony repair that reads this forum that could help us out. Pleeeesssse. Did they ever have a bios update for the TR1A??
After reading all these posts I checked my Motion Eye and it also behaves as explained here… black screen with the ocassional scan line.
I do have a ghost copy of the machine at several stages. I restored my oldest image last night and the camera works. So, it is not a hardware problem but rather a software compatibility problem. I will experiment a little more during the weekend, but so far, all I can think of is Trillian Pro 3 (which has problems with some cameras), ZoneAlarm Pro 5.5, NAV 2005 and patches/updates/hotfixes in windows XP. Those are the only apps remotely relevant to the camera that were upgraded in between the camera working and the camera not working.
Perhaps we can identify some common elements here? I have a strong feeling for Trillian Pro 3. Does someone with the same problem NOT ever installed trillian pro?
I can’t help you there mfabre. I purchased mine this way, but I was told it happened after going to XP Pro. I formatted and put in the restore disks when I received it , but still a no go. Many times I thought it was going to start working when it was flickering real bright lines, but nothing. The hard drive on my TR1 was replaced with a 40G in place of the 30G, but don’t think that would make any difference. Whats the driver date on your camera (right click on camera in devices and click on driver tab. I went to the Intel site and even updated what I could , but still no luck. Did they ever come out with a bios update on this unit? Lets here some feedback on how everyones camera stop working. We’ll figure this out one way or another.
When I received the camera it didn’t work. I reinstalled system from system Cds, didn’t work. I stuck in a XP Pro CD, formatted, still didn’t work. Everything else works properly, but the camera. Once XP Pro was installed I tried the camera before updates and hotfixes were put in, still nothing. Does anyone know what the reset button on the bottom actually does when activated? I don’t think were getting any closer to an answer. I tried uninstalling all USB hubs and reinstalling, also with no luck. Why wouldn’t a fresh install of the system not get camera to work? Is it possibble even to reflash the bios? Has anyone tried this?
Thats exactly what happened to me. It won’t allow for a reinstall of the bios. I was checking my add/remove programs and I did notice there was a bios update for windows xp located there. I’m going to take that out after I reinstall power panel that I removed and see what happens. I’ll update in about 15 minutes.