Okay, first off, if you don’t know how to get into DOS (just in case,
Start -> Run -> type ‘Cmd’ w/o the ‘s
Then note the directory you’re in.
Judging by the screenshot…
It’s C:\documents & settings\joe\desktop\myIpodMusic\DJShadow
But right now you’re only in C:Documents & Settings\Joe,
so type this in: ‘cd Desktop’
Now check your directory, should be in C:\docu & settings\joe\desktop
then type ‘cd MyIpodMusic’
hit enter
then type ‘cd DJShadow’
Basically, type, ‘dir’ to show your directory, find the file you want deleted, and then hit ‘del <FILE NAME>’. (ie, del cellphone.txt)
Holler if you need anything else.