[quote author=“invisiblefly”]“What I don’t understand the whole concept of some of the memebers on here buying mac mice, keyboards and other mac stuff…..”
IMO, Their designed looks neat and nice. Also most of their hardwares come in White which really match our TR

That is true….I see your point….Thanks 
I wish sony made some better accesories to match the TR. I can’t believe they still show a corded mouse with even there new line T series.
And now that they are probably going to discontiue the TR, I guess we won’t see any new kewl accesories….
I been searching around in other subnotebook fourms and a lot of people are complaining that they can’t get in our color…...I wonder why they decided to back off on the whole silver/white thing.
IMO Sony TR looks so much nicer then mac i or powerbook 12”
I think they look cheap…..And the keys are my biggest problem with it….>They are like a cheap cell phone upgrade in like a spray paint silver….