I agree although my thoughts are…
1. Crusoe isn’t that bad. However, the version of the chip they’re using is. The latest versions while still inferior to the Pentium M are vastly improved in terms of speed (at least twice as fast now as the TM5600) and lower power consumption. Still, you wonder why they didn’t just go with a Pentium M 900 ULV.
2. 256MB of RAM for Windows XP and no option for at least 512MB? We all know that 256MB is the bare minimum for Windows XP. When they’re touting this as a portable desktop once you get to the office then people are going to be pissed that they’ll have an extremely slow desktop.
3. If these companies are going to put out systems with any sort of stylus or touchscreen, you need to have Windows XP Tablet Edition as standard. It’s still not perfect but it gets better with every release and is at least geared towards alternative input and supports Portrait/Landscape modes.
4. The cradle. WTF? They shouldn’t even call it a cradle. It’s simply a stand. The stand doesn’t have any connectors…they’re all on cable in various different locations. The “designer” who came up with that idea needs a huge slap in the head.
5. Heat and Battery Life. Did they not check to see if it would be uncomfortable to hold it for 2 hours? It’s amazing since every review is saying the same thing about it…it’s like they didn’t even do any usability testing. Well, most of these devices have poor battery life (even the U50 does too)...i guess the saving grace is that you can at least swap out batteries.
6. Usage patterns. In a device that small, I think most people will expect “instant-on” abilities which you definitely won’t get with Windows XP on a small, slow platform. Perhaps there needs to be something in between Windows XP and Windows Pocket PC 2004. I guess one of the solutions would be using a non-volatile flash memory for the main memory along with a new type of sleep mode for instant hibernation.
I wonder if OQO will get anymore VC funding after this…