aha, i’m giving life to a month old post or more spam :D
My first in-ear bud type was the mx51’s , when i lost that pair, i went and bought me mx71’s, there’s just a slight difference between the two. One’s more crisp, although the bass is a tad muddy sometimes. depends on how well your audio is formated. For some reason my left ear went out, i only get sound out of the right, so i went and bought another pair of 71’s. same thing. So i’ve given up buying 71’s for awhile as I’ve spent just a tad too much money in them. One thing I didn’t like about these was the fact that everything the wires thumped against something, you actually heard the thump -_-
I debated whether or not I wanted to buy Ety’s or Shure’s with my notebook purchase (spending so much already, why not just a tad more). But since I love the way the earbuds fit for me, I’ve decided to give 81’s a try. if it breaks, i’m going to wait about a couple of months and save up some money to purchase ety er-6’s.
one day, i shall buy qualia’s for fun. muahahaha. someone say LOTTO? :D