well i have to agree with the guest above but maybe not in those same terms (be careful, we have young teens here like Rahul). But the ATRAC 3 Plus format is nothing but trouble. and sonicStage?! eeewwwww….
that article didn’t say much, or maybe the reader malfunctioned. no price, battery specs, etc… but it looks kinda cool. nice and smal, but why not the 30gig or 40gig 1.8 drive?l battery life?:wink:
Yup , have to agree - great idea utterly ruined by reliance on a proprietary format. Who’s gonna want to keep multiple folders of different files types on one hard drive just to ensure compatibility with various devices?
Waste of time Sony - am I correct in assuming that Apple uses a proprietary format too - I heard something about I tunes not offering mp3 files, but Apples own format…
As a previous owner of an NetMD player, I just can’t stress how long it takes or just how inconvieniet it is to switch songs from MP3 format to Atrac. Conversions from CDs to Atrac has very good sound quality; however, MP3 to Atrac conversions have a lot left to be desired. I wonder when Sony would wake up and start directly supporting MP3s. I have since moved on to an Apple iPod Mini and I can’t be happy enough.