Howdy all,
Total TR5 n00b here (just got mine from icube a few days ago). So far so good, lovin this machine (just trying to get my pudgy fingers used to the layout)
thanks for all the posts on which games are good to go etc… couple of questions was hoping to get help with:
1. For Counter-Strike, will source beta run? If so, what’s the process to get it to work right-after installing, set the video to be in widescreen then be in zoom mode for it to work/run properly?
2. couple of pages ago, fibrizo mentioned a hack-Emulate HM TNL Caps-anyone get it to work? is it necessary to play more intense FPS like Halo, Call of Duty, UT2004 etc…
3. don’t understand the “adaptive” processor feature/function. Is there a better setting for gaming? if so, how do you set it?
4. Saw that utility, VirtualDrive, which was mentioned earlier~for those that used it, does it work by copying the entire game to your HD? I’d prefer not to do that as HD space is kinda small for me (aside from gaming, I’m using it for HardDisk Recording.. chews up lotsa space).
Thanks folks-I ended up buying my TR thanks to all of you-proving that it can game
Ciao and thanks in advance! 8)
* WinXP Pro
* DVDRW drive
* 40GB HD
* Angry Girlfriend Cuz I’m spending too much time with the TR