Windows Mobile is not a cunning linguist…

Last year I picked up a Sony Ericsson Xperia X1i to be my primary mobile phone. For the most part, I find the phone to be a beautifully designed piece of hardware marred by software that’s inadequate for the times.

So on to my beef with WinMo, the software running on the Xperia X1i…

As a fan and owner of numerous Sony Ericsson phones (T68i, Z200, Z600, W850i, and W910i), I had become pretty accustomed to the features and abilities their phones. One thing I always took for granted was their ability to display different language character sets. Given that phones are commonly used internationally (or at least sold internationally), it makes sense for them to be “multilingual” aware. So, when I got my Sony Ericsson Xperia X1i, it was a rude awakening for me to find out that Windows Mobile (WinMo) 6.1 AND the forthcoming 6.5 lack the native ability to display multiple languages. If you have the correct ROM, then you can display a single character set but that doesn’t help if you need more than one.

I know it may seem like a minor thing but it’s not….especially if you’re multilingual and correspond with people if different languages. WinMo really is a business oriented platform…and business is becoming more and more international everyday. Microsoft really needs to get their act together. Fast.








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