USB Portable Humidifier

Leave it up to the Japanese to come up with quirky USB devices. Let’s see, so far we have an electric blanket, vibrating toothbrush, cup warmers, fans, lights, and now this:


Yes, it’s a frickin’ humidifier. Why? Why not?! This device is called “Kiri Potta” (or Kiri Potter) and is actually the third model in the series. Below, you can see how it works. Like all these devices, the Kiri Potta gets it’s power from the USB bus and mists your face while you’re on the computer. It not only mists but it also purifies the water.


I don’t know…there’s something not good about mist and humidity near a computer…but at least your face (and maybe your hands) will be nice and moist. They recommend this device for people who are riding the Shinkansen or in airplanes where people tend to get dry. Their website claims that keeping the skin from being dry is essential to being healthy and helping to prevent getting SARS (I’m not kidding about this).

Can you imagine whipping this thing out on your next overseas flight? I’m sure other passengers will appreciate it…assuming you can even explain to airport security what it is and get it on the plane. Given the current climate in travel safety, I can envision someone plugging this thing on in an airplane and having a whole bunch of people gang tackling them thinking they’re trying to “gas” the whole plane. The whole time they will be screaming…“I only wanted fresh, moist skin!!!” ;-p








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