Troubleshooting System Problems…

I’ve been “wasting” my time trying to troubleshoot a stupid problem with my notebook. Recently, whenever I right click on any file (folders are fine for some reason) within Explorer or on the desktop, Explorer will crash and referencing some memory exception. I can’t seem to pinpoint the problem though. At first I thought it might be a driver issue but it isn’t. I suspect it’s an application issue and I think a couple applications might now like each other. I used my nifty Acronis TrueImage utility to fully restore my system to a known working state (slightly better than System Restore) and the problem goes away. I’m slowly re-installing some of my apps trying to see which one is the culprit.

My first attempt at this didn’t find anything and everything was working. So, I thought it might have been a corrupted explorer.exe file. So, I was happy again…until while doing some file management, it happened again. Crap.

So, I’ve tried a System Restore to go back a few steps from last night to see if I can pinpoint the problem. I suspect I’ll need to do a TrueImage again to start clean. This is a setback for me since I use the notebook everyday for everything. We’ll see what happens…








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